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Youth -
revisited (On going to university at the age of

Youth, you who
passed before I knew you, Welcome yet again in median age. Ist
really you that quickens so my step, Sharpens keen the sparkled eye and
catches With excitement at my indrawn breath? Perhaps tis only
circumspection fled, or Sobriety anaesthetised whilst greater Wisdom
hides its face in blushed embarrassment. What'ere it is a spring midst
winter flowers, A river, electric, flows with purest energy, Eroding
banks of static time and Flushing dead ideas, detritus of dull
routine From stale channels, freshing chok-ed roots, Cleansing, renewing,
setting new gainst old, Dead gainst live and ignorance against
a Fountain of new thought. Apollo and Athena walk with me Whilst
goddess Até plays a Pander to my Troilus Outside the rules of royal
rime, and engages Me in thoughts of time disjoint with time. Welcome and
thrice welcome thou my youth Delayed from time past to time present,
let Not these knees unlock or eyes dark mist Before this youth has run
the gamut of time missed. |
Memory of a Suffolk
Tea Party
What lingers in
my mind is how very extraordinary The ordinary seemed to somehow be. Warm
ordinary, friendly ordinary, fresh ordinary, A completely unpretentious
ordinary tea. The sausage rolls Ive had a thousand times, The salad
rolls and vol-au-vents and Things on sticks like plates of timber
porcupine. But it really was extrordinary How delightful the
ordinary seemed to be. |
A Tribute to My
Grandfather (William 'Bill' Oakey, a policeman at Hay
Mills until his retirement in 1931)
Born upon Sabrinas banks in verdant Worcestershire, A ferry
boy at Lenchford, he plied himself for hire. Cradled in that Severn vale to
fullest stature grew, Until the Queen she called him to fight a country
new. To fight for life and liberty, Old Kruger called the Boers And
grandad went to fight the first of many wars. From rolling sward to
blistered veldt, grandad rode his steed, Chasing Boer shadows and cursing at
the need. But he grew to love the sun scorched earth and every sun bleached
bone; He swore that hed go back there, when they sent him home, But
he was an honest man, straighter never walked; So he signed on as a
constable and criminals he stalked. When gas jets hissed and pubs their
violence spewed, Grandad strode in fearlessly and peace, with fists,
renewed. A Georgian King now called upon this warriors time, To
serve against the Kaiser in the armys foremost line. Blood and muck
and bullets, goes the modern joke, But not when grandads uniform the
blood began to soak. When the Somme and Ypres and Passendale had faded from
the mind, Grandad joined the police again to be with his own kind. An
honourable career with commendations proper, No promotion or commission,
just a very solid copper.
In the quiet of his life respect he did
create From all who ever met him, of high or low estate. He had no time
for falsehood or hypocrisys two face, He only knew that those he loved
earned in his heart a place.
Also see the short story
"Grandad" |
upon the stair, I met a man who wasnt there. He wasnt there
again today, How I wish hed go away.
Just lately
thereve been many men, Men upon the stair. Men who vanish into
prison camps, Men whore never there. They vanish into
limbo, Gone without a trace, Denied by all about them, Men without a
face. Were they ever really there? Did they physically exist? Or are
they propaganda tools, The illusion of a terrorist? I deny their
non-existence, Protest their bland denial. Without our
recognition They die without a trial. Can we deny their presence?
Cease to ratify their living? Will they really go away If we refute their
being? No, theyll never go away, Those men upon the
stair, Because there are a few of us Who know theyre really
there. |
Stop the
No Nietzsche
splendid, predatory animal. No red blood singing in the veins. A dead
world of pristine stone Erected from Mans mind. Earths crust
a ferro-concrete layer And seas a slowly, heaving, turgid mass. Corrosive
on the upturned cheek A prussic acid rain-drop falls From an artificial
coloured sky. No birds greet this dawn, just The twittering electronic
chatter Of computer controlled humans; Jellied legs petroleum
decayed And button dimpled fingers soft. Mindless bureaucrats, paranoid
at Natures wilful intransigence; Trees fill no forms, nor pay
taxes And their leaves untidy lie. STOP THE WORLD! I WANT TO GET
OFF. |
The wave
gathers slowly, far out to sea, rises, curls, Hangs suspended, lunges,
crashes in a spume of spray And retreats in shuddering undertow to be
renewed Somewhere in the vastness of the deep from whence it came. Thus
does passion ride the mind, torment the body And spatter its essence into
the chasm of desire Only to renew itself in some hidden corner of the
bodys deep. |

Caesars (a tongue in cheek epic of the Roman
Marius, Sulla,
Crassus, Pompey, All made a bid the Empire to sway. But Julius arrived to
cut out the rot And slit a few throats to cry "That's your lot!" He
assembled the plebs and cried with salt tears, "Make me your Caesar and lend
me your ears." Casca and Brutus sweetened his wine, Slipped in the knife
and made him divine.
Cicero, briefly, took up the reins. Anthony
caught him and opened his veins. A trio to rule they decided upon, But
Augustus Octavian wanted just one. Anthony busy, with the Queen of the
Nile, Was caught with his pants down and died without style. Aemilius
Lepidus, third of three, Lucky in Carthage contrived to stay
Augustus the sage ruled cruelly they tell, Pulled by the
strings of a wife straight from hell. Through age and false trust his
attention did nod, Livia, the wife, made him a god.
Adopted by law
came stern old Tiberius, Gay as a fairy, but terribly serious. At Capri
in his villa he kept all his tarts, And had new-born babies to suck at his
parts. The irony was to one steeped in sin, It was Gaius, his son, who
smothered him.
But the sins of the father, it could be said, Shall
ever be called upon that son's head. In the case of Caligula this never was
so, He invented more sins than his father could know! Bestiality, sodomy,
incest as well, A list as long as a book could tell. Mad as a hatter he
finally paid, Skewered on the end of a Praetorian's
Stuttering, limping Claudius came. Reluctantly called to that
hall of fame. Good he tried, but found alas He'd throats to cut before
he'd pass. Messalina, Clo Clo's wife Led a very hectic life. Shafted
left and right and center Straight to Hell Clo Clo sent her. Agrippina,
Nero's mummy, Slipped a drug into Clo Clo's tummy. Sitting on poor Clo
Clo's deathbed "Claudius names my son." She said.
Drusus Nero, queer
and rotted, Told the Senate to 'get knotted'. Musical and gay to
boot All he cared for was the loot. Told the plebs had denounced
perversion He fired the city as diversion. Evil deeds his
doppleganger, Cut his throat to dodge the anger.
Galba next by deeds
renown, Strict and brutal, himself did crown. Flabby Otho spurred by
greed Had him slain, but foreswore the deed. Otho in his bloody
path Took the mantle and the wrath. None can say what a King
intends, As all discovered, when he slew his friends. Sick of Otho's
heart of stone Vitellius' army fell on Rome. Short and bloody Otho's
reign, Took his dagger and died in pain.
By spoils of war Vitellius
came And outside Rome began his reign. Terrified of plots to
life, Vitellius sanctioned rape and strife. Vespasian, by plebs
demand, Took the crown and command. Vitellius still with firm
ambition Fought a war of attrition. People clapped and cheered and
hooted As the battle raged and Rome was looted. Bound and dragged
Vitellius fell, Beneath a rain of stones from Hell.
Sixty-nine was a
bloody year When Caesars three died in fear. Still within the twelve
month span Vespasian became 'the man'. A half-score years were to
pass Before another roused the mass. Vespasian's rule was long and
sweet, A time to build and none defeat. A Caesar true of level
head, One of the first to die in bed.
Vespasian's son, Titus the
true, Pledged peace and love and joy anew. Not being cruel nor showing
the fist, His brother, Domitian was allowed to exist. Two years, two
months and twenty days, Titus ruled in that ancient of lays. When he
died the people mourned, Twice as much had they been warned.
called the old times back, Rape and murder, cross and rack. Fat and gross
he delighted To see his enemies and friends benighted. Drunken, sotted he
could but stagger And died beneath an unknown dagger.
More Caesars
came, more Caesars went, Some were good, some were bent. But none could
equal in renown Those first to bear the laurel crown. Paedarasts,
murderers, rapists these, Plumbing depths to make blood freeze. Enemies
they took in stride, 'Twas from their friends they usually died. To
Senate, people, soldiers all, A ripe round raspberry was their
call. |